Adult Autism & ADHD assessments 

Project Mindset offers neuro-affirming psychological assessments and therapy designed to recognise and affirm the diverse neurodiversity of individuals.

Our team of dedicated and welcoming psychologists and clinical neuropsychologist are passionate about providing assessments that honour the unique strengths, abilities, and perspectives of each individual, regardless of their neurodivergent profile.

We take a holistic and compassionate approach to neuro-affirming psychology assessments and therapy, focusing on:

  • Strengths-Based Assessments that highlight the individual's strengths, talents, and abilities, while also identifying areas of support and growth.
  • Culturally Responsive Evaluations recognising the influence of cultural, social, and environmental factors on an individual's neurodivergent experience, and incorporating cultural sensitivity and awareness into our assessment process.
  • Collaborative and Empowering Feedback in a collaborative manner, engaging the individual in the assessment process and affirming their unique neurodivergent identity and experiences.

Our neuro-affirming psychology assessment services include:

  • Adult ASD and/or ADHD Diagnostic Assessments: Evaluating the cognitive, behavioural, and socio-emotional characteristics associated with neurodivergent profiles such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia, and other neurodevelopmental differences for adults. 
  • Strengths-Based Evaluation: Identifying and affirming the individual's strengths, interests, and talents, and providing recommendations for leveraging these strengths in academic, occupational, and social settings.

We believe in celebrating the diversity of human experience, including neurodiversity, and recognising the inherent value and strengths of individuals with disabilities.

We provide people-centred and passion-driven therapy that honours the individual's autonomy, preferences, and goals, and fosters collaboration, empowerment, and self-determination in the therapeutic process.