Forensic Disability

At the core of all forensic disability and complex psychology services is helping people understand themselves and their own behaviour; this may be complicated by the multifaceted set of personal, familial, social, health and mental health issues many clients experience.

The team at Project Mindset is highly experienced working with people presenting complex needs and presentations including mental health, trauma, personality, neurodevelopmental, neurocognitive/neuropsychological, and forensic concerns.

We provide forensic disability and complex psychological, neuropsychological and positive behaviour support services that includes risk assessment, mitigation and management. With our reputation for our approachable and respectful nature, we work collaboratively with legal professionals, courts, disability services, and other agencies to ensure that our clients receive the best possible care and support.

Forensic Disability Services we provide: 

  • Forensic disability assessments including dual diagnosis of mental health issues and disability, assessing risk of re-offending, and identifying specific rehabilitation needs.

  • Pre-sentencing reports and psycho-legal reports that assist the court in understanding the individual’s psychological functioning and risk of re-offending.

  • Offender risk/needs analysis to identify individual needs and risk factors that may lead to reoffending and reduce this risk while meeting human needs and building on strengths.

Our complex psychology services encompass a wide range of interventions, including individual therapy for one-on-one counselling or group therapy sessions to provide mutual support, interpersonal skill-building, and opportunities for shared learning and growth.

Our team is here to help – contact us today to book an appointment.